Why Verification Tag?

A verified tag from IBJA is essential for bullion dealers and jewellers to establish authenticity and credibility online. It assures customers that the account represents a legitimate business, combating impersonators and scams prevalent in the industry. With verification, platforms often boost the visibility of accounts through higher search rankings, frequent recommendations, and exclusive features – helping reach a wider audience.

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In a trade dealing with high-value items, trust is paramount. A verified tag strengthens a dealer’s online presence, instilling confidence in customers hesitant about online purchases. It signals a reputable business is less likely to engage in deceptive practices. Acting as a digital stamp of legitimacy, a verified tag provides peace of mind to customers making expensive purchases. By attracting customers who value authenticity, it can potentially lead to increased sales and growth.

IBJA’s rigorous verification process ensures only genuine businesses receive this coveted tag, upholding the integrity of the bullion and jewellery industry.